Every year, I try to make a point to make a post honoring our Veterans. My husband is a medically retired disabled Marine Corps Veteran and although he wasn’t injured in war, he wasn’t in for 20 years and he doesn’t deal with PTSD, I am proud of my Marine. Once a Marine always a […]
I apologize for being off of the radar as far as putting out new blog posts, but if you have been following me on social media, you know that I definitely haven’t been slacking off. I hope you like the new website layout! Personally though, I have been in a unique transitionary period. It hasn’t […]
I am impatient… I want to see the final result immediately. I wish things came easily to me every single time. The truth is though, some things take work. To get the right fit, sometimes you have to figure out what isn’t the right fit first… BUT… I promise you that any time I have […]
Today I want to start by saying: FIND YOURSELF! Why do we lose ourselves? Why do we let someone else’s version of what they view as “success” dictate how we feel about our own personal accomplishments and successes? Your journey isn’t ever going to look or be exactly like someone else’s and that is perfectly […]
It’s April already??? How did that happen? So, it may appear that I have been MIA lately, but if you follow me on social media, you probably have noticed that I shifted my focus to concentrate from writing to focusing more on making YouTube videos… and have still been making a lot of appearances. The […]