
By in evolving, growing, motivation, motivational, pageant, ShineOn, TeamPwinkie on September 12, 2017
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    If you follow me on social media or keep up with me on here, you might have seen me mention that I competed in the Ms. Wheelchair Tennessee pageant last year. Although the outcome did not end up quite the way that I had hoped for, it was not all in vain. After some reflecting and a lot of praying, I decided to compete again this year for the title of Ms. Wheelchair Tennessee 2018. It is now 19 days away and is very much on my mind and my heart. I don’t know if this will be “my year” or not, but I knew after last year that I NEEDED to go for it again. I have had an amazing support system between last year and this year that truly believes in me and supports me. It is an amazing feeling, but that isn’t why I am doing it again this year. I am doing it because it has been a goal of mine since I won the title of Jr. Miss Wheelchair Tennessee 2001. I am doing it because I believe in the program and the idea that it only takes one person to make a difference in someone else’s life or even the world. I am doing it again because I wasn’t done yet after last year. Last year was a growing process for me. Last year gave me a chance to better myself and really focus on what’s important to me. Last year’s process was NOT a waste of time for me. It helped motivate me as a writer. It has pushed me to give more to the disabled community. It helped me tap into my passions even more. It challenged me. Most importantly though, it helped me realize that I do have a voice and that I want it to be heard. It NEEDS to be heard. It helped me realize that I truly have a platform that I want to share with the world and this process has given me an opportunity to really focus on that more.

The disabled community needs a voice. The disabled community needs support. The disabled community needs to feel like they are important. My dream isn’t over yet because I haven’t accomplished the goal that I have had my heart and mind set on reaching yet. Although I am unable change the outcome of last year, I HAVE been able to evolve and grow as a person. I do not pursue something unless I am truly passionate about it. This is one of those things. If I accomplish nothing else, I know that I have improved as a person. I have used the story and life that God designed to be MEANT TO BE for me to reach and help others… THAT is what matters the most to me at the end of the day. If you get nothing else out of this, I hope you will remember this… If you have a goal that is important to you, DO NOT stop until you reach it. Anything that is important enough to you that you can’t stop thinking about it, you NEED to do everything in your power that you can do to reach that goal… Finally, if it’s MEANT TO BE a part of your story, it is worth doing everything you can do to try to make it one of the best chapters of your life.



    • Erin Mason
    • September 12, 2017

    Your amazing and beautiful inside and out! Everyone should be able to see that!!! Keep pushing for what you want!!!!

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